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第157章 打工人的噩梦:公司团建

You're Good at Your Job, but Are You 'Fun' Enough?


by callum borchers

In the hybrid era, when bosses feel pelled to make up for the reduction of daily chitchat, the quarterly all-hands meeting now es with a team-building trip to the go-kart track, brewery or ballgame.


then there's the new avalanche of off-sites, multiday tests of togetherness in which you might be expected to hash out a new sales strategy one minute and the next brave the hotel pool with Speedo Steve and other colleagues, perhaps in a swimsuit of your own.


For some, there's nothing less fun than pany-sponsored “fun“ with co-workers.


mr. belz, 57 years old, says that before starting his own business a few years ago he worked for larger panies and often dreaded the barbecues and softball games that were meant to foster camaraderie. he'd still show up because, well, skipping didn't really seem like an option. Even when the festivities are allegedly optional, people can feel forced into joining, lest they lose out on brownie points with the boss.

57岁的贝尔兹先生(mr. belz)表示,在几年前自己创业之前,他曾在一些大公司工作,当时他就经常害怕那些旨在促进同事友谊的烧烤活动和垒球比赛。但说到底他还是会出现,因为……好吧,不参加似乎真的不是一个可选项。即使这些庆祝活动声称是“自愿报名”,人们还是会感觉自己不得不参加,以免在老板面前丢了好印象。

“I like to keep my work relationships professional and courteous, but not necessarily friendly, and I think that team-building activities are pushing those boundaries,“ says ms. denhert, 37.

37岁的丹赫特女士(ms. denhert)说道:“我喜欢保持专业且礼貌的工作关系,而不是人人友好的关系。我觉得这些团建活动正在突破这些边界。”

Some panies are asking workers to vote yea or nay on social events, and offering to reallocate funds. tara Furiani, a human-resources consultant in california, says several clients recently scrapped holiday parties after polling employees to gauge their interest (more like noninterest) and gave out gas cards, cash or other gifts instead.

现在有些公司会让员工对一些社交活动进行投票,表达自己同意还是不同意,然后重新分配活动资金。加利福尼亚州的人力资源顾问塔拉·弗里亚尼(tara Furiani)表示,最近有几个客户在调查了员工的兴趣程度(更多是不感兴趣)以后,取消了节日聚会,转而给员工发放了加油卡、现金或者其他礼物。