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第80章 你好我是有感知的AI

A.I. Is Not Sentient. why do people Say It Is?


It is not true that in labs across Silicon Valley engineers have built robots who can emote and converse and jam on lead vocals like a human. the technology can't do that. but it does have the power to mislead people.


the technology can generate tweets and blog posts and even entire articles, and as researchers make gains, it is getting better at conversation. Although it often spits out plete nonsense, many people — not just A.I. researchers — find themselves talking to this kind of technology as if it were human.


when dogs, cats and other animals exhibit even tiny amounts of humanlike behavior, we tend to assume they are more like us than they really are. much the same happens when we see hints of human behavior in a machine. Scientists now call it the Eliza effect.


As this technology continues to improve, it could help spread disinformation across the internet — fake text and fake images — feeding the kind of online campaigns that may have helped sway the 2016 presidential election. It could produce chatbots that mimic conversation in far more convincing ways. And these systems could operate at a scale that makes today's human-driven disinformation campaigns seem minuscule by parison.


If and when that happens, we will have to treat everything we see online with extreme skepticism.
