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gives somebody an edge over... 优势

第66章 gives somebody an edge over... 优势

And the John Lewis partnership—which runs John Lewis, a department-store chain that sells everything from board games to bathroom fittings, and waitrose, a posh supermarket—is reaffirmed as having a special place in middle-class britain's collective consciousness.

而约翰-刘易斯合伙公司--它经营着约翰-刘易斯(John Lewis)--一家从棋盘游戏到浴室设备都卖的百货连锁店,以及怀特罗斯(waitrose)--一家高档超市--被再次确认为在英国中产阶级的集体记忆中具有特殊地位。

collective consciousness即我们所说的“集体记忆”,从句子中我们可以学到一个句型:xx has a special place in xx's collective consciousness,这一表达在社会以及文化类题材中经常用到。


with a mix of edy acts the edy acts.songs and dance the

Spring festival Gala has a

Special place in our collective consciousness.


the revamped business holds a mirror up to britain's high streets: more online, more cost-conscious and keen to diversify.


A holds a mirror up to b 是一个很形象的说法,它的字面含义是“A为b提供了一面镜子”,引申为“A是b可以借鉴参考的对象,A是b的一个缩影”。


the success of pinduoduo,an e-merce platform hold of mirror up

to china's online retail business more affordable products and better customer service.


meanwhile, notes mr black, the physical stores that remain give John Lewis an edge over online-only rivals, like Asos and boohoo, by reducing shipping costs (customers can collect their internet purchases in person) and by making returns easier.


xx gives somebody an edge over...是一个写作中很好用的表达,意思是“xx让某人与……相比更有优势”,在涉及到竞争相关的话题时可以用上该说法。


doing part-time jobs at college helps students gain valuable work experience and can thus give them eage over those who study full- time.
